The colorful flower pushing its way up through unyielding concrete The brightest smile on the child suffering from illness The tenacious sunshine glimmering through the cracks of the abandoned home The positive attitude of the people seeming to struggle the most…
Everyday Encouragement #3: He Knows Our Needs
Our God is so gracious! This past summer, I bought a ticket to a workshop in November — months away at that time — excited for what it how it would encourage me in my writing. As the time flew by, I…
Sitting in the Silence
Our summer was a carnival ride, a roller coaster or merry-go-round, always moving, up and down. Some days felt like the peak of that coaster, multiple trips across the country, exploring new places, spending time with family. Other days felt…
Everyday Encouragement #2: Love & Grief
A friend went into the hospital this past week — a random symptom landing him in the emergency room and then a few hours later, he and his wife, both young twenty somethings, received life-changing, potentially life threatening news. And the path…
Letting Go of “Should Be” and Embracing Who You Are
I was freezing. It was as if I thought after twenty-eight years I would miraculously become “warm-blooded” and not need a sweater at a restaurant. I was wrong. As I sat there, goosebumps all over, I mused about why I…
Church: Is It Just a Word?
I’m honored to be guest posting at fellow hope*writer Debby Hudson’s blog today. Debby is in the midst of a September series on “church” in which she has invited others to share the myriad of meanings, feelings, and stories that word brings to mind…
On Change without Regrets
Everyday we experience changes. Some minuscule, some catastrophic, but all relevant to the grand scheme of our lives. Some changes derive completely from chance, others pure choice and consequence. Some people thrive on change, embracing it, loving the way it…
The Why Behind Your “Not Enough”
We’ve all said it, or at the very least, thought it – I’m not enough. The phrase dances through our mind, preying on our human tendency to compare and be found wanting in a myriad of categories. I’m not enough.
Give It Away: What’s Your Most Precious Gift?
Giving is exemplified in so many different ways — monetary gifts, gifts of service, of time, or more simple gifts like a smile or a hug. Recognizing gifts can be easy when it’s wrapped in a nice bow on your birthday, but other…
For Granted
My sister posted this link introducing me to a new blog, and a post among many about a young husband and father of five fighting for his life. My mom texted me about the Fort Hood tragedy and the devastating loss…
Hands Wide Open Life
Family Friends Money Careers Possessions Fear Control Worry Anger The Future If you think about your life — how many of these things are you holding within a clenched fist, unwilling to let them go, fearing that if you do…
a time to bloom
I shared last week in my What I Learned in April post about discovering that tulips must be planted in the fall to reap their beauty in the spring. After learning this gardening fact, I could not ignore the metaphor that…