Happy 2021! With the turning of the calendar to the new year, I have a lot of hope that eventually we will find “normal” and perhaps toward the latter part of this year discover we have full schedules once again. Until then, I am trying to focus on the silver linings — my family is healthy and happy, my husband and I have jobs we enjoy, we’ve spent tons of quality time as a family of three during our son’s first year, our support systems are strong, we are financially stable, the list goes on and on — it’s so easy for me to focus on all we’ve missed this last year; but there’s been so many blessings even in the midst of great loss and disappointments.

Anne over at Modern Mrs. Darcy reminded me of a winter tradition she started — sharing what’s been saving your life lately. This resonated since I’m looking for silver linings in the every day right now, so I thought I would share some of my recent favorites from books I’m reading to products I’m using to recent baby purchases and more. There’s a lot of wonderful things all around – I just have to remember to pay attention!
Thirteen years in the making: Oreos are back in my life!! And I must say…they were as good as I remember!
I loved this book. Complex, richly developed characters made a seemingly “simple” story of four lives one I can’t stop thinking about.
Yep – I’m only ten years behind the Instapot train — but after frozen chicken was cooked to perfection in less than twenty minutes…I’m all aboard. Send me all your favorite recipes!
As a daily recovering perfectionist, this article is one I’m going to go back to again and again.
Every January, Russell and I have a “state of the union” weekend, a tradition we learned from my parents. This year, we talked a lot about marriage after kids using this blog post as a guide. Working on changing some habits, especially around technology and screen time, has made a huge difference already!
Where was this baby walking harness 4 months ago?! Regardless, what’s left of my lower back is thankful a co-worker suggested it now.
Pregnancy gave me many things — the best being my baby boy — one of the not so fun things was hyperpigmentation or “sun spots” on my face. Since changing up my skin regimen (based on this book), I’ve seen a lot of improvement — these three products have made the most difference: vitamin C, lactic acid, and BHA exfoliant.
Once I read this book and discovered Charles Martin, I read everything he’s written. His most recent book was possibly his best yet.
Moving anytime soon? Friends looking for a place? Russell switched jobs last year to Smart City Locating, a company which offers free, personalized apartment locating services in cities across the United States. It’s been so fun to have a front row seat watching this exciting, people first company grow I had to share! (And no, they didn’t ask me to share this…just a proud wife wanting to support her husband and his colleagues! 🙂 )
My daily cappuccino(s) and cup (read: pot) of tea has been improved by the addition of a milk frother. Pro tip from my mom: add cinnamon to the milk before frothing…it turns into the perfect winter creamy topping to your drink of choice!
We all had coping mechanisms in 2020 — for me, Knox and Jamie of the podcasts: The Popcast with Knox & Jamie and The Bible Binge, kept me laughing as they delivered on their promise to “educate…on the things that entertain but don’t matter.” If you want to laugh, find one of their “no’s” episodes of the Popcast or listen to their Bible story recaps.
Thrift store shopping has always overwhelmed me; however, I found this site again after baby, and I’m rethinking consignment…as in it’s amazing for when your child grows way too fast to justify expensive clothes! (everything I’ve ordered has arrived like new condition too!)
During these crazy times, we are trying to support local and small businesses as much as we can. One way I’ve done that is Etsy! Some of my recent favorite buys, both personal and gifts, include: a kindle cover, this multiracial hand painted nativity set, a pandemic ornament, this great-grandmother pillow, a new house ornament, and this custom wooden name sign.
Your turn! What’s been saving your life lately? Any recent favorites? I’d love to hear in the comments!
Great Post Jess!!!!
Thanks dad 🙂 glad you liked it!
I just discovered the Knox and Jamie podcast! Really liked the one I listened to. :). My own “keeping me sane” list features mostly food and books. LOL. Hooray to the Oreos on your list. We have a pack that we keep hidden from the kids. 😉
Food and books are a great combination!! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
oooh I love the idea of a state of the union weekend – that’s brilliant – what a great thing to have as an idea from your parents
and also cinnamon in your milk before frothing – I’m going to give it a try this afternoon 🙂
My list includes slippers, going to bed early, workout plans, hand warming mugs, and leaving up the holiday lights.
Here is it if you’d like to check it out – this was such a fun process to really sit down and think about the list and see what everyone else has come up with that linked to Modern Mrs Darcy!
Can’t wait to check out your list, Lis! Thanks for stopping by — hope you liked the cinnamon in the milk, and the state of the union is a favorite for sure! It’s a great tradition to look forward to!
Hi Jessica! I clicked over from MMD and really enjoyed your post. Thanks for all the links to other interesting things– I’d never seen that post on perfectionism before and it hit home for me. I’ll be back!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Leanne! I’m glad the article was meaningful to you!
My good friend is trying to get me on the InstaPot train. She just got one for Christmas and loves it. I’m just not sure I want another appliance around. I love the nativity you shared. I collect them and this one would be perfect for my collection.
Hey Stacie! I totally thought the instapot train was over hyped…until I tried it! Wish I would have sooner! And the nativity set is even more beautiful in person! 🙂