Hi friends! So…it’s been a little bit since I’ve been in this space. It began as an unintentional shifting in schedules and free time, but then transitioned into somewhat intentional as life took some twists and turns I was not expecting. However, I am hopeful to resume writing, as time allows, because it truly brings me joy; and I have missed it!

If we were sitting at our picnic table catching up, I’d tell you the last post I wrote here was just after my graduation with my masters in nursing; quite a few things have happened since! I’ve been working for almost two years as a nurse practitioner, and the biggest news, we had a baby boy earlier this year! As I’m sure we all can relate, 2020 has been so far from what we expected, hoped, and dreamed our journey into first time parenthood would look like. That being said, even in the grief, the unexpected, the unknowns, we were thrilled to welcome our sweet boy into the world and are trying daily to find purpose in this new normal of a “groundhog day” existence. Thankfully, we have baby boy for that! He is such a smiley, happy soul, and I can’t help but think, “for such a time as this…” and thank the Lord for such a precious gift!
If you didn’t notice, there’s been a little updating around here on the site. I thought a full redesign and refresh was in order. I hope you like it! Some new things to note: you can now browse by categories, shop my recent favorite things, and as always contact me with any thoughts, questions, or feedback!
I have much more to share, and I hope to hear from you as well! What DID I miss?! How have you been? What’s been the highlight of 2020 for you?
I have missed your posts! Come back, come back, come back! I am so happy for the addition of your sweet new baby!! Since your last post, we’ve been through many things, including the illness and death of Ryan’s mom – and then this year, a move and a double career change!! I’m pretty sure I don’t even recognize life anymore, but I am so grateful for God’s leading!
Glad you are back my beautiful friend. ❤️