Almost two years ago, I wrote this piece asking myself a hard question in the wake of tragedy.
Would I Have Stood Up?
In that particular situation, it was concerning a shooting in which first reports said that Christians were asked to stand up, and if they did, they were shot, no other questions asked. This account brought to light the fear in my heart – the fear that if I was asked that question I did not know what my response would be.
Would I Have Stood Up?
Now here we are, two years later, and the recent headlines include phrases and details I cannot even comprehend nor want to believe is actually being condoned by many. So the question comes again — in present tense this time:
Will I Stand Up?
Will I stand up and declare boldly and firmly that white supremacy and Neo-Nazism is from the pit of hell?
Will I stand up and declare boldly that everything white supremacy and Neo-Nazism stand for is in direct opposition to the Gospel Love of my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ?
Will I stand up and humbly ask forgiveness from people of color for all the times I have contributed to and not acknowledged their hurt, their pain, and the very real prejudices they face every day?
Will I stand up and fight the fear in my heart that begs me to stay silent, to pretend that everything is fine, and to move on with my life, saying nothing?
Will I Stand Up?
Today I do. I’m standing up. I’m posting this, but more than this post — which really costs me nothing — I am committing to engaging in dialogue about race, about white privilege, and about what I can do to pursue racial reconciliation with others that may not look like me, but who I believe have the exact same inherent worth, dignity, and value that each and every one of us has as human beings.
Will I Stand Up?
Yes. Yes, I will.
Jessica please read the insanity of God. It is about standing up and the people that have no matter what. Lunch Sunday was fun.
I will put that one on my list! Thank you! 🙂