Happy Friday!! I’m so glad the weekend is just about here, but it has a lot to live up to to beat last weekend during which we hosted one of my dearest friends. We explored Dallas, tried to meet Chip and Jojo in Waco, and although that wasn’t successful, we still had a wonderful time! This upcoming weekend is my last before school starts for the fall, so I’ll be clinging to every last moment with my two favorite guys, and hopefully will start Monday refreshed and ready to conquer the next half of graduate school.
Below, you will find the life and links that have made my life extraordinary these last couple of weeks. I’d love to hear your extraordinary in the comments! Have a fantastic weekend!
Life Lately
Best Friends and Road Trips. I could write a whole post on this last weekend with one of the most precious friends in the whole world, but I will limit it to one picture (there’s a few more on Insta) and to the sentiment that it was a gift of a weekend, and I wish this beauty lived next door to me!! (Also – Magnolia lived up to the hype! So cute! And on a Monday morning, the crowds were very manageable! And there’s gluten free cookies at the bakery…I mean, yes, please!)
Unique, New Restaurants & Great Company. A few weekends ago, friends invited us to dinner at a new to us restaurant – Rise – it’s the most adorable French setting with amazing souffle like this strawberry dessert one! I had no idea what a souffle was – and I still don’t know if I can describe it, but they are delicious and gluten free! (Make sure you specify gluten free, they are very knowledgable!) This is definitely a spurge dinner as it’s pricy, but such a fun experience, especially for those of us (me!) who get in the usual restaurant rut!
Three Years! We celebrated our anniversary — the special Q & A with my husband is here if you missed it — with dinner at Terilli’s, which was the restaurant we went to the night we became “officially” boyfriend and girlfriend in 2013. Needless to say, so many good memories, and we loved an opportunity to make new ones there!
Birthday Celebrations. We celebrated my mother in law’s birthday this month and after dinner we walked to Shake Shack in Uptown. It was delicious! I had the black and white which is vanilla ice cream with hot fudge blended in — yumm!
Hometown Tourist Adventures. Two weekends ago, we needed to go to Fort Worth to run a specific errand. To add some excitement to the trip, we decided to take the DART and then the TRE (Trinity Railroad Express) from our home to Fort Worth. As you can see, it was packed on a Saturday 😉 However, it was fun to do something different, and Fort Worth has grown so much since we’ve been here!!
Dallas the Dog Picture of the Week
Dallas continues to love summer due to fun, messy escapades like the one pictured above…yes, it took forever to get him cleaned off!! But it was worth it for that face 🙂
PS He may or may not have an Instagram account now…if you need more cute pictures in your life! 😉
Links Lately
Some smiles for your Friday –– so cute!
How to be an ally to our friends of color as we pursue racial reconciliation
Encouragement for when you feel lost or purposeless
The best new podcast — please add this breath of fresh air and direction to your playlist!
Another great podcast I listened to this week — Dr. Brene Brown + Jen Hatmaker = one incredible conversation
Yummy Link of the Week
It’s hard to improve on brownies, but Jessica from How Sweet Eats has outdone herself in this recipe!
What’s been making your everyday extraordinary this week? I’d love to hear in the comments!
Linking up with Heather — check out more Friday Favorites here!
Missing you! Also, love your off the shoulder dress!
Thanks friend 🙂