Summertime reading is the best, right?! I remember as a child spending every possible moment during my summers with a book in my hand — always excited to go back to the library and check out more! Since I was preoccupied last month, this month’s “What I’m Reading” is an extended bonus version which includes my June and July reads so far. Travel helped me complete some of these, and I’m still looking for a perfectly light pool or beach read for my brief school break in August. Any suggestions? I’d love to hear what you’ve been reading lately and any summer book recommendations in the comments! I’m linking up, as always, with Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy, so make sure to visit her Quick Lit post for more of what bloggers are reading this summer!
Read this Month
The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict— I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, but I was hoping for something similar to The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin, a book that was intriguing but a learning experience too! And I think that’s exactly what The Other Einstein is. This book follows Mitza Maric, Einstein’s brilliant wife and female physicist who is thought to have contributed to some of his most incredible achievements. I enjoyed learning more about Mitza (an amazing woman!) and about Einstein himself — however, this book definitely reveals an arrogant, selfish nature that makes him extremely unlikeable (3/5).
Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner – I’ve had my eye on this one for a while, so when it was on Kindle sale, I was excited! I’ve heard the actual hardcover of this one makes a beautiful coffee table display, and I will admit, most of the pictures and graphics’ impact were lost in the ebook version. However, the message and the beautiful writing made this book beyond worth it! After the last six months, this book was like coffee with a friend sitting on a back porch on a spring day. I loved it. (4/5)
Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist – Another great book by Shauna! I had 95% of this book completed months ago, and I kept forgetting to read the very last part. It was worth reading to the end, but even reading a few chapters in this one is helpful. I think Shauna’s book Bread and Wine is still my favorite, but this was a close second. She shares her story of perfectionism and hustle and all that she lost, while still leaving her readers with hope by sharing how she now combats the temptation to lose her soul to busyness again…how she is choosing presence over perfection.
Where We Belong by Emily Giffin – After sharing my mixed feelings on my first Giffin novel – The One & Only – many of you told me I had to try a different one, that her other books were much better. I would have to agree after reading Where We Belong. Although, it still wasn’t a favorite — it was a sweet story about adoption, the choices we make, and the lasting consequences of those choices. I thought the characters were relatable and overall, likable. (3/5)
The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware – An inaugural voyage to sea. A mixed passenger group of rich investors, businessmen, and the press. A missing woman. And the relentless quest of another woman to figure out what happened to the missing one…even if it costs her life. Such is the premise for Ware’s latest. I’d heard so much about this book that I had high expectations. The verdict? I enjoyed it. I didn’t see all the twists coming, it was suspenseful without being overly creepy or gory, and the characters were well-developed. I did find it a bit difficult to follow all the passengers, but it didn’t seem to matter in the end. (3.5/5)
Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler – My second attempt at an Anne Tyler novel. I read this on a plane ride, and I enjoyed it. Vinegar Girl is a retelling of Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare. While I knew the general premise, I didn’t know enough to be overly particular about details completely matching up. Tyler’s characters are quirky and odd, but somehow (to me) endearing enough that I cared about them. I found the story cute and while I don’t know if it would be for everyone, it was a nice plane ride read for me. (3/5)
H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald – An incredible memoir about a woman, grief, and the healing power of purpose that in this book comes in the form of a hawk. I loved this book! At points I felt I could smell the English countryside because Helen’s way with words and imagery was so powerful. Highly recommend (4/5).
The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner – When a book begins with the line – “I am my mother’s fourth child and my father’s thirty-ninth” and it’s a memoir, meaning its a true life account of someone’s story, you re-read that first line and make sure you correctly understood. Ruth Wariner grew up in a polygamist cult just across the boarder of Texas in Mexico. Her memoir about what life was life for her and her siblings was eye-opening to say the least. What I love the most about memoir is the feeling of stepping into someone else’s world for the day — and this book was no exception. A hard story to read with heartbreaking situations, yet somehow at the end, the author’s perseverance, courage, and resilience inspired me (4/5).
Currently Reading
Rhythms of Rest by Shelly Miller – When this one went on sale this month for Kindle, I snatched it up! I receive Shelly’s weekly e-newsletter (if you’re interested in more Sabbath in your life — sign up here), and I’ve been wanting to read her book as well! I think we all could benefit from more rest in our lives, and I’m looking forward to reading Shelly’s Sabbath story.
I Know His Name by Wendy Blight – During the summer my church takes time off from regular small groups since so many people are traveling and instead offers woman’s groups that meet at a variety of locations, times and dates in order to give you options. The group I am in is doing this study, and it’s great so far. Learning more about Who God is through the names He is called in the Bible is something I haven’t studied before.
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – I’d heard this book recommended multiple times, so I checked it out quickly on my kindle when I saw it was available. I’m about halfway through, and I’m riveted by the characters, their stories, and the lessons contained within this stunning work of fiction.
Stopped Reading
None so far!
Bought this Month
Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight Out of this Wild and Glorious Life by Jen Hatmaker (releases August 8) – Two of my favorite internet friends – Jen and Anne (see below) – are releasing books in the next couple of months. I love supporting people with pre-ordering their books when I can so I did that with some of my birthday money this month. Jen is an amazing voice for Jesus and for women and her book For the Love will always be one of my favorites. I love how she can make you laugh and cry within one paragraph. Looking forward to August 8!
Reading People: How Seeing the World Through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything by Anne Bogel
(releases September 19) – Known as Modern Mrs. Darcy online and the host of the podcast What Should I Read Next, Anne Bogel has been someone I have followed for years. I was so excited to see she has a book coming out in September, about personalities! I love learning more about myself and others as I think self-awareness is so important! Can’t wait to read this one — and isn’t the cover beautiful??!
Also – if you pre-order either of these, the authors are offering fun bonuses! See Jen’s here and Anne’s here! (PS Neither of these awesome ladies know who I am – just sharing because I like them and admire their work!)
Rhythms of Rest by Shelly Miller
I Know His Name by Wendy Blight
What are you currently reading?? I’d love to hear in the comments!
All book reviews on the site: READ
What I’m Reading Posts:
—>This is a link-up with Modern Mrs. Darcy – find more great books to add to your TBR list by reading other bloggers’ posts here <—
I’ve never been able to connect with Emily Giffin but I haven’t tried Where We Belong yet, maybe I’ll give that one a go! My sister ADORES her! Love your reviews!
Hi Kailey! Thanks for stopping by — I must admit I don’t know how many more of Giffin’s I will try, but Where We Belong was much better than The One and Only (in my humble opinion
). I’m curious to see what you think! Have a great week!
Hey Jessica it’s good to “see” you again! You’ve convinced me to try The Woman in Cabin Ten.
Hi Tammy! I hope you enjoy it! Have a great week!
I have Rhythms of Rest on my TBR and am looking forward to getting to it. I love taking sabbath and selah moments to help recharge, focus on God’s faithfulness and gifts, and to rest from the hustle. I am interested in Chasing Slow for the same reason. And Present Over Perfect was a good read for the same topic, though I didn’t like it quite as much as I enjoyed her first book, Bittersweet
I need to get back into Rhythms of Rest — I just received a bunch of library holds and I’ve been immersed! I think you would probably like Chasing Slow — I liked its memoir/inspirational style!! Thanks for reading, Elena!
Where We Belong is DEFINITELY better than The One and Only, that’s her worst book, in my opinion. I really enjoyed Something Borrowed and Something Blue despite them mostly being based on horrible decisions.
I really enjoyed both Present Over Perfect and Chasing Slow, came along at just the right time for me!
Hi Diana! Thanks for stopping by — good to know my assessment of Emily Giffin wasn’t too off! And isn’t it neat how books do come along at just the right time sometimes?? I love it!
I just read Bread and Wine and want to check out Present Over Perfect now. I wonder if H is for Hawk would make a good audio. I’m always looking for nonfiction for my audio choices. Maybe Sound of Gravel too. Both sound interesting.
Hi Stacie – I really enjoyed Present Over Perfect and if you liked Bread and Wine, you may like it too! Both H is for Hawk and Sound of Gravel are riveting enough for audio, but I would think it (as always) would depend on the narrator! Let me know if you try one! Thanks for reading!
I’m so excited for Anne’s new book too!
I can’t wait to read it! Thanks for stopping by, Aimee!