Happy Friday, friends! I hope you are finishing up a good week! Our July continues to be travel free yet full, and I’m so thankful for the new routine we are finding! Nothing like finally beginning to feel settled after four months of what felt like organized or not so organized chaos. There’s quite a few pictures for you today and two new recipes that I would highly recommend. So without further ado, here’s the life and links making my everyday extraordinary these last couple of weeks. Have a fantastic weekend and don’t forget to share your extraordinary in the comments!
Life Lately
Pretty & Persistent Blooms. Even with the temperatures over 100 these last few days, a few flowers persist on our walking trail. This bright yellow one brightened my morning!
Little Free Libraries. As we’ve been driving around and deciding on which neighborhoods might be the best fit for us in the future, I couldn’t help but notice how many little free libraries there are around Dallas! This particular one was spotted in Lakewood on date night. Do you see many little libraries where you reside?
Morning walks with friends. I had a lovely walk with a close friend this week around the lake. Although we were both quite warm at the end, the conversation and exercise were well worth the heat.
Sharing Our City with Friends.To our most pleasant surprise, our friends from North Carolina happened to make a whirlwind trip to Dallas last weekend. We spent Friday night catching up at one of our favorite restaurants and Saturday morning giving them a whirlwind tour of the big D.
Date Nights to New Places. Unleavened Fresh Kitchen wasn’t here two years ago when we left, but we are glad we discovered it now! Tons of gluten free options, cute environment, good location for walking around after dinner, and delicious food! We can’t wait to go back!
Dallas the Dog Picture of the Week
Look at that happy face! This cutie continues to amuse us with his silliness and is a delight to me when school has me overwhelmed. His training is progressing…slowly…but we’ll take it!
Links Lately
This song has been on repeat — I love it.
A thought-provoking post from Anne on assumptions, the great influence of what we read, and the power of deciding
Emily’s words always give space for my soul to breathe, just as she promises, and her post on waiting was no exception
Maybe it’s old news — but this story reignited my hope in the kindness and courage of humanity.
Yummy Link of the Week
I made two new recipes this past week — these BLT lettuce wraps were fresh and delicious not to mention beyond easy! These no bake peanut butter cookies were also an easy summer afternoon treat! I pretended they were healthy because they had oats in them
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