Another week complete! Yay for Friday!! We are planning to day trip up to Boone, North Carolina this weekend to enjoy the Blue Ridge Parkway and the amazing color show that is autumn in the mountains. How are you spending the weekend?
Here are some of my favorites for the week:
Life Lately:
He Named Me Malala documentary. Last Friday I shared how excited I was to see this movie since I had read the book just a few months ago. So for date night, we went to check it out. The book, of course, is more detailed and complex, but I think the movie captured the essence of Malala and her main purpose: furthering girls education all over the world. It did discuss the shooting that almost took her life, but it didn’t let violence or conflict get much or really any screen time. Inspirational movie that I recommend as well as the book!
Carolina Weddings. My husband’s college friend was married last weekend over in the Eastern part of the state. The reception was in this beautiful historic mansion that had crystal chandeliers, vintage woodwork, and so much southern charm that I didn’t want to leave. Wonderful evening celebrating a special couple.
Candy Corn. Informal poll – are you a fan or not? I feel like it’s a distinct love or hate relationship for most people with this particular treat. Personally, I really like them, but only seasonally and only in small amounts (which is a problem as this usually requires more self-control than I possess) as the sheer sugar content tends to give me a headache! 🙂 They are the quintessential fall sweet to me even though pumpkin flavored everything seems to be quite successfully working to claim the top spot!

A Chef’s Life. When my mom came to visit, she introduced us to A Chef’s Life, and we love it! It’s a PBS show about Vivian Howard, a New York trained chef who came back to her hometown in Eastern North Carolina to start a restaurant. Since she and her husband started the restaurant and with the additional publicity of the show – she has become a southern culinary star. People travel hundreds of miles to visit her restaurant: Chef and The Farmer. Her PBS show is delightful with Vivian as the star, narrator, and chef — it’s not at all your typical cooking show, but more of a documentary type style showcasing southern ingredients, her personal life, and the challenges of running a business. (If you have Netflix — you can get all three seasons off PBS – I highly recommend!)
Articles I’ve Enjoyed:
I have heard of this new invention before, and I can only hope it truly works…it appears to be soon available for the general public – you can pre-order it now. Not cheap, but it definitely has the potential to change the life of a Celiac by insuring better safety when eating out gluten free.
This article was difficult to read emotionally, but I think it brings up very thoughtful points on why not to support assisted suicide for terminal medical conditions. It is devastating to even be in the place to have to contemplate these kinds of options, but I appreciate this statement from the terminally ill woman in this article, “My brain may be cancerous, but I still have lots to contribute to society as a strong woman, wife and mother while my family can daily learn the value of caring for me in my last days with compassion and dignity.”
Relevant had another great article on myths we believe about purpose – it reminded me of some of my reflections on here about life well lived and why we feel we have to change the world.
Yummy Link of the Week: These cinnamon bun cookies look amazing!!! The list of ingredients isn’t complicated either, which is the first thing I look at with new recipes. Maybe not the healthiest treat — but definitely something fun to try!
Have a wonderful weekend! What’s been the best part of your week? Share some of your favorites from the week in the comments – I would love to hear about them!
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