Happy Friday, friends!! I don’t know about you, but this week has seemed to last forever!! Maybe because it was our first full week back in our own house, attempting to regain some sense of routine after almost three weeks away! Needless to say, waking up with our alarms has been slightly rough — it doesn’t help that we both are not morning people and overuse the snooze button…
Anyways — I’m back with the usual Friday Favorites — things that are making my everyday extraordinary, both in life and around the web. I included a few pictures taken during the holidays just for fun 🙂 I hope each of you is settling back into a 2017 rhythm, and I would love to hear what’s making your everyday extraordinary in the comments!
Life Lately
Family Time & Escape Rooms. We did Christmas a little different this year with both our families — we decided no gifts, just experiences and making memories together. It was amazing!!! It took so much stress out of the season! With the Chance family, we tried an Escape Room with a delicious dinner afterwards. I had no idea what an escape room was before this, but apparently it’s a new thing? It was unique and fun!
Family Christmas in Hawaii. Christmas was extra special this year, and I’m so thankful that my whole family, despite being scattered about the States could come together for one week in paradise and celebrate Christmas. Hawaii was everything that was promised and more. Still feels like a dream!
40 Years. We celebrated my in-laws FORTIETH wedding anniversary while home over the break, and I’m so thankful for them, their family, their legacy, and that guy on the right who I’m blessed to call my husband.
Safe Travels. We drove home last weekend right into the horrible winter storm. It was a stressful experience I have no desire to repeat. We ended up stranded in Alabama for one night, but were able to get home the next day. I-40 was eerie though with no cars or trucks in sight most of the drive!
Winter Wonderland. We came home to almost eight inches of snow on the ground!! I haven’t seen that much snow since I lived in Connecticut as a young child. I was sad to miss the actual snowfall as I think snow falling is absolutely magical, but it was fun to take in the winter beauty from inside my warm house 🙂
Dallas the Dog Picture of the Week
Our about to be ONE year old puppy child loved the snow so much we are considering sending him to live with my sister and brother in law in Alaska 😉 He would have stayed outside forever, jumping, sniffing, rolling, and sprinting around in it except I was afraid he would get too cold! He did pretty good on the trip to Texas with us, but I think he’s really glad to be home! He misses his little companion though…
That’s Sadie, my in-laws’ Westie — the two had an absolute blast together, except eleven month old Dallas needs a lot less naps than six year old Sadie! She was a great sport though! 🙂
Links Lately
“I have decided that this year, I will be a pie and coffee person. I will attempt to be generous in hospitality and I will attempt to be a seeker of peace.” Such sweet and encouraging thoughts just in time for 2017 from my friend Samantha —Be a Pie and Coffee Person
“I stake my claim now that worry has no part of my life. I am in Your hand and nothing can shake me out of it. Your love is so wide, long, high and deep that not even my pock-marked past, not my unknown future, not even death or the worries of this life will ever separate You and I.” Beautiful words that continue to resonant in me by fellow hope*writer Jill McCormick – A Prayer for the Worrier
Grab some tissues because this touching tribute by a mom to the health care workers who saved her son was the best thing I watched all week.
“Aren’t Mondays the best and also worst? Often they come too quickly, and sometimes, because I love my work, I really look forward to Monday. After Sundaying it’s nice to get back into the swing of things. Long ago I learned a Monday hack that I’ve continued to use….” After my post on Monday, I was intrigued by The Nester’s How to Monday post…I haven’t thought about using that hack before, but I can see where it could definitely work! What do you think?
The Millennial Generation (those coming to adulthood in the early 21st century per Wikipedia) often are looked down upon for their entitlement, poor work ethic, and a constant need to be on technology. I can say this because I’m considered one of them, and although I don’t relate to everything a “true” millennial would, this short Simon Sinek video on Millennials in the workplace was fascinating. Definitely an eye-opening, must watch for not only millennials but also anyone who interacts with them (AKA everyone 🙂 ).
Have a wonderful weekend! Be sure to share what made your everyday extraordinary this week in the comments!